Ahmet Bilici Ahmet Bilici Ahmet Bilici

Hello there! 👋 I am a Computer Science graduate of University of Texas at San Antonio.

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About Me

I am a Computer Science graduate who is seeking an entry-level Software Developer position to apply my coding skills and academic background in computer science to develop innovative solutions. I'm a team player with a passion for problem-solving, committed to delivering high-quality solutions that meet customer needs. With a dedication to continuous learning and a focus on collaboration, I aim to contribute to a dynamic team that values creativity and innovation If we exclude my profession, I am an interesting individual who enjoys lifting 🏋, and riding motorcycle 🏍

My Projects

Green Valley

Green Valley is a Stardew Valley inspired pixelated 2D Python game.
Pyhton ~ PyGame ~ Tiled

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Social media app that lets people connect with each other at events via text.
Java~Android Studio~Parse~Glide

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DriveEaseRentals is a car rental web aplication. Allows users to search rental cars by make, model, fuel type, and year.

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Flix is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.

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SumzText is open-source, web based AI text summarizer that accepts URL and leverages the OpenAI GPT-4 model summarize. React.js~Vite.js~TailWindCSS

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Twitter Client

Twitter Client is an android app that allows a user to view his Twitter timeline. The app utilizes Twitter REST API. Java~Android Studio~Glide~SQLite~

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My Story

  • 6th May, 1999

    The Beginning

    I was born in Izmir, Turkey. I went to 7 different schools between 1st to 8th grades. Changing these many schools helped me to get better at adjusting to new places and getting along with people.

  • 8th Sep, 2013

    Izmir Ataturk HighSchool

    Being accepted to the Ataturk HighSchool which is one of the best schools in Turkey was a big deal for me and my family. I had worked part time at education based company where I helped with video editting and uploading to web. Also, through high school summers, I had chance to travel more than 10 countries.

  • 8th May, 2018

    Welcome to USA!

    My journey in the USA started in Texas. In the beginning the cultural, and language barrier was challenging, I was alone in a new country. But I didn't lost hope for the future.

  • 19th Aug, 2018

    Community College & Work

    San Antonio College was my first step in my education. I got my Associate of Science degree here. Thanks to my professors and class mates I had a great time. Also, during my time here, I worked full time to support my college expenses.

  • 23th Aug, 2021

    The University of Texas at San Antonio

    I have completed my B.Sc in Computer Science at University of Texas at San Antonio. Dedicated to mastering the principles and applications of computer science, with a focus on cutting-edge technologies. Committed to academic excellence and leveraging skills to contribute to the advancement of the field.

My Study Place